Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Ground Rules

Alrighty, so, before we get into this too far, I'd just like to set some general ground rules. I want this to really be a positive space where we can all enjoy music together. I'd love it to be something that if you wanted to share it with your children, you can totally do that without any worries. And I'd love it to be something that my own kids could read in the future too. Hence the need for some quick ground rules, "a couple of quid-pro-quos". Ok? Cool.

1. Comments! I'd love to hear your comments, feedback, niceties, and constructive criticisms. I am not going to be the comment police here, and I know that not all of you are going to agree with everything I have to say. I truly appreciate that! But, I still do reserve the right to remove any comments that I deem too critical, crass, negative, or downright mean towards myself, or others. Also, easy on the swears. Again, I want this to be a wholesomely positive place.

2. Again, I know not everyone will agree with everything I have to say, nor probably all my personal tastes, and that's totally cool! Just keep it real. :)

3. I am a very spiritual and religious person. As such, I may from time to time talk about such things in various posts. Not pushing any of you in that direction at all, it's just part of who I am. I have had some great spiritual experiences involving music and that part of me is bound to sneak in sooner or later. Please be respectful. Thanks! :)

4. As I may have mentioned before, this is first and foremost a music that's what we're gonna talk about, haha!

Thanks everyone! As I talked about previously, I'll be doing a "Song of the Day" every day (hence the name), posting videos on my YouTube page (click under "YouTubes" on the right of your screen), making playlists on Spotify, as well as writing regular blog posts. I'll be posting updates on other social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) when new things come up. I'm also currently toying with the idea of starting an Instagram account totally dedicated to all this as well. And possibly doing things via Instagram stories?? I don't know. Haven't locked that one down yet. Let me know what you all think! See you all very soon!

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