Music. Music has ALWAYS been a ginormous part of my life. I've always enjoyed it, no matter the genre (for the most part). I have a fairly extensive music collection, been a part of a few bands, played some amazing shows, and been to a lot of sweet concerts. But for awhile I'd mostly given up on it. Lost the passion for it, if you will. For all the good music these days, there seemed to be twice as much bad. I wasn't in any bands, and it just wasn't part of my life like it used to be. Which is totally unlike me.
Many of my friends and acquaintances at that time would ask me if I was doing anything musical as of late, and I would reply "no". Then they'd usually say something like, "That's too bad. You have a great voice." Or "We loved Counterfeit Digits (the band I was in while attending college). We wish you guys would have made more music." On top of that, my beautiful wife is always telling me that I should sing more. So I began to think about it, and the idea in my head grew even more after going back through my old blog and reading all the encouraging comments and thoughts some of you may have even replied with over the years. Not to mention everyone reaching out to me on Facebook about my more recent videos and musical exploits I've posted. To all of you, thank you so, so very much! It all combined to inspire me to finally bring this together.
So I give you MUSICA! A blog of my own creation devoted to music and why I love it all so freaking much! I want to share my personal experiences with music, my tastes, my recommendations from time to time, and eventually I think I would like to write and share my own music here. I've opened a youtube channel so I can more directly share my talents, and give those of you who have asked for it, a chance to hear/see me sing more. You can find the direct link to the right under "Youtubes". I want to post videos fairly regularly should time permit. I will also be sharing a "Song of the Day" with everyone that I will update every morning. Just some song that seems to fit for the day ahead of us all, and a personal touch that I can share with each and every one of you. I also have a Spotify account where I'll be making different playlists from time to time. Search for "TeeJ" and you should be able to find me there!
I have a lot of cool memories, thoughts, and feelings that I think I can share that many of you will hopefully enjoy. And maybe I can return the favor and inspire some of you like you have me! Oh, and don't think that just because this is a blog devoted to music that I won't be throwing in a dash of my other nerdy passions too, because that is certainly likely to happen.
I welcome you all to Musica!
Looking forward to this.
Very Cool! Looking forward to seeing this develop.
Yay!! I’m so excited to read and listen to you and your passion!! What a great venue!! You’ve always been awesome!!
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